That little nugget of wisdom is no secret. (Warning: over-share imminent.) If you follow this blog semi-regularly, you already know I had a wisdom tooth extracted last Thursday through a series of unfortunate events. (Those books are absolutely awesome, by the way. Check them out if you haven't read them. They are a series of children's novellas written by the pen-name Lemony Snicket. Hilarious! Anyway...)
Apparently, having a ridiculously painful mouth wound wasn't enough. No, I had to start my shark week the day following. I've been on antibiotics for a couple weeks and, if you're a woman, you know what that can lead to... Needless to say, I have had a VERY rough week. My tooth is still sore. The pain, in fact, has spread up and down my jaw, the stitches have yet to fully dissolve, my gums are swollen beyond recognition and my cheek has a rather large, yellowish-green bruise that makes it look like I got punched in the face.
Knowing all of that, you wouldn't think my weekend could be awesome at all, would you? Joke's on you, friends. I had such an amazing weekend.
One thing made that weekend possibly: my Husband, the Hubs, my Sequoia. (He is very tall and tree-like.)
Being married is never easy. I don't care who you are. You suddenly have to learn how to live with an entirely other person in your life, every day. You share just about everything. You see them every day. Most of the time, it's great, but there are days where you just want to throttle them. I didn't think about physically harming my husband once this weekend!
He was absolutely sweet. He wanted to cuddle and hold me, he wanted to lightly scratch my back and neck (I'm a cat, I swear), he was in a great mood the entire time and he nearly made me forget my complete discomfort. Even better, he took our son with him almost everywhere he went so I could have some time to myself to just...relax. He got me ice cream, he brought me awesome Japanese food...he did everything I asked and even things I didn't even think of. It was a perfect weekend, maritally speaking.
I don't think he quite understands just how much that means to me.
We've had our disagreements. We argue (though we're working on that). But none of that stuff matters, I don't even think of the things he does that may annoy me, when I see him playing with our son. When I watch them have tickle fights and chase each other around the house. When I can lay in bed and listen to him read stories to Addison and send the cutest boy into a fit of giggles. That was what truly made my weekend so incredibly amazing.
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Bedtime stories. :) |
Addison is plotting his assault with the red dye while Daddy shows him what to do. |
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This is the two of them a couple months ago at our local park. Adorable, aren't they? |
I have enough trouble being bound inside for the majority of my time, but to a two-year-old that is downright miserable. And having a miserable toddler leads to a miserable Mommy which usually leads to a miserable Daddy. Needless to say, we all needed a break. From everything. Getting to go out and about with Daddy was a welcome break from the apartment for Addison while getting some much needed Daddy/Son time without Mommy. Having the apartment to myself (while not actually getting out) was like a vacation in itself. You other SAHM's know what I'm talking about. There were a few messes that needed to be cleaned, the laundry basket was getting full, but I just sat my cute little butt in my chair with an ice pack and played Skyrim. (This is a nerdy mommy blog, you know.)
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Even simple things like pointing out minnows in the lake. |
At first, I thought it was odd that such happy thoughts could strike me while in the middle of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Then I realized, there is no better time to recognize the beauty in my life. I'm going to steal a quote from the great Albus Dumbledore:
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
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One of the first pictures of Josh and Addison right after he was born. This picture never fails to make me smile and feel truly grateful for all that I have. |
-Mommy Michelle