I absolutely love this time of the year. Is that cliche? I don't even care. Three fantastic holidays happen one month after another and it is just so much fun - especially when you have a kid. No joke. There are times (think - trying to go shopping for presents and accidentally walking into the toy aisle) when it is way more difficult to get things done with a toddler in tow, but that ceases to matter when you get to watch your child trick-or-treat for the first time (and actually know what's happening),
Exhibit A: the cutest cowboy you'll ever see. |
This is Exhibit B: doesn't really have anything to do with kids, but I had a really awesome costume and just had to make sure you all saw it. |
play in leaves, stuff their faces with food, and - yes - open presents. I know, I know. Christmas isn't about presents. I completely agree! That doesn't mean that it isn't the best feeling in the world to watch your baby rip paper off of something you know they are going to love to play with. It's a beautiful thing.
You know what's the best part about holidays? Family. It doesn't matter what kind of family you have (and believe me - I know all about all the different types of families thanks to my Psychology of Human Development class)...it only matters that you spend time together. I've lost several family members in the past few years, and it never really hits you until the holidays. That moment when you look around and realize who is missing or how you've changed your traditions since their passing. It's sad, but it also makes you want to hold your remaining family a little tighter - enjoy them a little more.
No, we didn't plan the black shirts. Yes, we are absolutely weird. |
Me, my mom, and my Booger. We were stuffed full of food. |
Some traditions are great no matter who started them or who you continue them with. Ever since I can remember, my parents took my brother and I to the Fantasy of Trees here. It's a big to-do where people have decorated trees and gingerbread houses and donated them to this cause; there are a lot of little areas sectioned off with shops, crafts, areas for kids to play; there's a stage where various shows are put on; snacks a plenty; and a carousel. It is a fantastic and beautiful event. We always, ALWAYS made thumbprint ornaments and miniature trees we could decorate. My parents split and so we started going with one parent or another. The past few years, we've gone with my dad and step mom and company.
This year, though, I went with my mom, my son, my husband, his dad, his dad's girlfriend, and her son. Quite a mix up of the norm! I'm here to tell you: it doesn't matter who you're used to doing these traditions with - as long as you're around those you love, they are great!
We painted our faces like always. |
My son got to make his first mini-tree. I was so proud! |
Me and the Hubs rode the carousel with the Booger. They always make funny faces. |
See? I can't take them anywhere. |
Needless to say, we all had a whole lot of fun.
And now that I've updated this blog with the oh-so-important musings of my head, I'm off to watch more Vampire Diaries. What? You don't watch this show? -gasp- Why not?
There's three good reasons right there. |
-Mommy Michelle
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