Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Librarians Rock!

This morning I finally did something I've been wanting to do for a while now. No, I did not record a CD about how much I love Harry Potter (although I would totally rock that). What I did this morning was far more educational and fun. (Seriously, though, I could sing an entire song about Hedwig.)

I took my boy to toddler story time at one of our local libraries! All of you parents with kids: if you haven't done this already, GO! It is SO much fun! If you're a local Knoxvillian, I definitely recommend the Bearden Branch of the Knoxville Library. All the parents there were super nice and participated almost as much as their crazy, cute kids did.

Now, I hadn't been to a story time in a library since I was little and was going with my mom, so I didn't know what to expect. The woman read several books that were hilarious and so cute. Most of the stories involved the children making animal noises or guessing what animal would make what sound. We also sang along to a couple of songs. When "If You're Happy and You Know It" came on, all the kids cheered and started clapping, stomping, turning around and, inevitably, bumping one another over.

At the end, the kids got to play with bubbles and pick out a sticker to take home. Addison had a blast. Well, after he got over the pain and shock of rolling off his chair onto the floor. He really does take after his mother.

Oh! And you should definitely check out this book for those of you who have kids. Or adults that just want to know if kitties deliver pizzas. I think the risk of getting fleas and cat fur on your pizza outweighs the benefits of having a cute, fuzzy kitten deliver cheesy goodness to you, but to each his own.

I mean, really, who is delivering this pizza?!
I've always been a huge supporter of libraries (where else can you rent an endless amount of books for FREE?) but knowing they have awesome little programs like story time makes me love them even more. By the way, they have things for all ages - not just toddlers. Go check it out! (Get it?)

-Mommy Michelle

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