Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Son is Weird.

I'm just sayin'. I'm pretty sure he takes after his father. I mean, look at them:

Yes. They colored their nipples with markers.

Today, Addison took the cake. He was running around our apartment nekkid (this is how we potty train because he doesn't ever pee in the floor) and eating an Eggo waffle for breakfast. He was holding it in his hand (because I don't usually put syrup on his) and all of a sudden I look up from my computer and he is standing in the middle of the living room with the waffle...between his butt cheeks.

Now, I don't know about you, but I usually EAT my waffles, not put them in my butt. My husband looks around after hearing my hysterical laughter and says, "Addison! Do not put food in your butt!" I just shook my head and replied, "Things you never thought you'd have to say to your kid."

This is not the only weird thing my son has ever done, probably not even the weirdest, but it is definitely up on the list. I mean, who puts waffles between their butt cheeks?!

Apparently this weirdo does.
Ah, well. I'll just chalk this up to one of those embarrassing stories I can tell to his future dates. Though, if he's anything like his father, he will take pride in his weirdness and tell the story himself one day.

I am so proud.

(Also, on a totally unrelated note [except for the fact that it's referring to butts] Addison pooped in the potty for the first time ever today! I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the waffle. Wouldn't that be weird? The secret to potty training discovered by a stay-at-home mom in Tennessee: Eggo waffles between the butt cheeks!)

-Mommy Michelle

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