Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What's better than being on the lake?

Being a two year old on the lake, of course!

Sunday we had an early Fourth of July celebration with half of my family (parents divorced, remarried, yada yada). It was a blast! We always go to Lake Norris because it is the most beautiful (and clean!) lake in Eastern TN.
Look at how blue that water is!

I'm lucky enough to have a step-dad who is awesome and owns a pontoon boat so we can just dock in a random cove, get out the snacks and floats, and float around to our hearts' content. It is beautiful, relaxing and especially welcome during these 105° days we've been having. Addison is also at that awesome age where he is getting acquainted with floating and swimming. He is the cutest ever in his little float.
Oh, he also makes ridiculous faces. All the time.

I don't know about your family, but my family is pretty ridiculous. We were joined this time by my older brother and his wife and with all of us there at once...it got pretty silly. We also found a cove this time with a rope swing in the perfect spot on a perfect hill that swings you perfectly into the water. Aside from some fish nibbles, it was an incredibly awesome day. The best Sunday I've ever had.
Floating is serious work.
You know what probably the best part was (besides being pulled around on a giant torpedo float behind the boat)? Reading. I love, love, LOVE to read. Usually, I spend my days at home with my boy catering to his needs and playing with him or teaching him things. During his naps, I try to clean up the toys from that morning and get some much-needed chores done. I don't always have time to sit and read chapter after chapter like I want to. On a boat full of relatives to play with, however, I can catch a break to sit in the sun and dive nose-first into a book.
Definitely one of the high points of my day.

It's even better when it's an awesome book. I was right in the middle of "Fifty Shades of Grey" by E. L. James. If you haven't heard anything about it and you like steamy sex scenes, BDSM, and complicated characters with a strange relationship, go check it out. I haven't read the second or third books of the trilogy yet, but they're on my list. (Incidentally, if any of you readers have any suggestions for awesome books I should read - let me know! I read all kinds.)

Sometimes, playing on a boat and being in the sun for several hours can make you exhausted. It's always good to have a nice, cold drink and to take a nap. I am a huge fan of naps. Especially when my boy and the Hubs take them.

Aren't they just too cute?
I know, I know. Sleeping in a life jacket looks completely uncomfortable but, obviously, Addison didn't care much and it's kind of the law that children have to wear life jackets at all times on the water. That is one law I certainly don't mind following. Being a Mommy comes with new fears and my child falling into the water and sinking before I can grab him is one of them!

Knoxvillians and Tennesseeans - get to Norris lake and enjoy the clean water! Everyone else, stay cool and wet this summer. (Ha. Get your minds out of the gutter. Or go read "Fifty Shades of Grey" and pervert yourselves even more!)

-Mommy Michelle

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